*** FROHE OSTERN 2016 ***
Viel Spaß bei der diesjährigen Ostergeschichte:
Keynote with Steve Robo – presenting his 1:1 Polaroid-Portrait and an awesome lifted easter egg (goose not duck!). EiRobot!
Cupertino ist überall.
This awesome and great 1:1 polaroid is going to be hanging next to the Mona Lisa at the Louve in 2017. Isn´t it great?
„The SX-70 was, of course, essential. No other camera could do that job. And a special THANK YOU to Spürsinn Handelskontor for the wonderful „Nahlinse – Leihgabe auf Lebenszeit“ which made this project come true!“
„Who else can really say: there is an lifted goose easter egg with my portrait on it? Thanks a lot to Knusperfarben who made dreams come true!“
*chrrrr :o)
![Steve Robo with crew at the keynote easter presentation](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_02.jpg)
![Steve Robo is very proud to present a nearly 1:1 polaroid and a lifted easter egg with his portrait ... what a day - the keynote easter presentation](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_03.jpg)
![Steve Robo while explaining the production of this absolutely awesome polaroid](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_04.jpg)
![Steve Robo is very proud to present a nearly 1:1 polaroid and a lifted easter egg with his portrait ... what a day- the keynote easter presentation](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_05.jpg)
![Steve Robo is very proud to present a nearly 1:1 polaroid and a lifted easter egg with his portrait ... what a day- the keynote easter presentation](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_06.jpg)
![This product is absolutely great, awesome and bigger than the last year. Of course some people like smaller eggs but here is bigger better!](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_09.jpg)
![Steve Robo presenting the back of this great and awesome easter egg. More details and available in colors that remind of gold-rosé.](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_10.jpg)
![Steve Robo presenting the front of this great and awesome easter egg. Touching it makes you happy!](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_11.jpg)
![Steve Robo presenting the front of this great and awesome easter egg. Touching it makes you happy!](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_12.jpg)
![Steve Robo presenting the front of this great and awesome easter egg. Touching it makes you happy!](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_hoch_01.jpg)
![Steve Robo announcing this great polaroid is coming to the hall of fame in Cupertino.](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_hoch_02.jpg)
![Steve Robo. Words cannot say how great this lifted easter egg is to the world!](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_hoch_03.jpg)
![Steve Robo announcing this great polaroid is coming to the hall of fame in Cupertino.](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_hoch_04.jpg)
![Steve Robo announcing this great polaroid is coming to the hall of fame in Cupertino.](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/EiRobot_digi_800_hoch_05.jpg)
![The original for the one and only awesome lifted easter egg with Steve Robo. Work was hard but absolutely rewarding!](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/eirobot_zusammen_800.jpg)
![Here - THE great portrait of Steve Robo. Made for a lifetime. Next year it is going to be loaned out to the Louve to give Mona Lisa companion.](https://knusperfarben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/eirobot003_800_hoch.jpg)