*** FROHE OSTERN 2016 ***
Viel Spaß bei der diesjährigen Ostergeschichte:
Keynote with Steve Robo – presenting his 1:1 Polaroid-Portrait and an awesome lifted easter egg (goose not duck!). EiRobot!
Cupertino ist überall.
This awesome and great 1:1 polaroid is going to be hanging next to the Mona Lisa at the Louve in 2017. Isn´t it great?
„The SX-70 was, of course, essential. No other camera could do that job. And a special THANK YOU to Spürsinn Handelskontor for the wonderful „Nahlinse – Leihgabe auf Lebenszeit“ which made this project come true!“
„Who else can really say: there is an lifted goose easter egg with my portrait on it? Thanks a lot to Knusperfarben who made dreams come true!“
*chrrrr :o)